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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 28


I didn’t work out at all today. I considered an afternoon treadmill session, like I did last Sunday, but it didn’t happen. As I have mentioned before, Tony and I agree that it’s OK to take a break now and then. I am planning ahead for a good workout tomorrow.


Today I attended […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 26


Big news, folks: Today was yoga day, and I did P90X Yoga! It has been a while. I really prefer an instructor-led yoga session, if I do it at all, and even though this one has its flaws, I am familiar with it. Some people, like personal trainer Ben Greenfield, have suggested that a […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 24


This time, the level 2 Aerobic workout took 40 minutes instead of an hour. No distractions from my family or the new routine! I had a moderate calorie burn, similar to comments I have read about Kenpo and Cardio X, and comparable to the level 1 workout. I want to add a short treadmill […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 22


I’m making progress! Today I moved on to Striver’s Aerobic Workout Phase 2. There are some exercises from the Phase 1 workout, and others have been replaced. It took me about 45 minutes. Tony’s estimated time is 35 minutes. I had the day off from work, so I was starting later, and there were […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 19


Today was supposed to be yoga day, so of course I got on the treadmill instead for 30 minutes. That’s my idea of a joke. Actually, the reasons I only briefly considered yoga were 1) Lack of time, and 2) Pizza for lunch at work today. I wanted to get in a short but […]