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P90X2 Cast Profile: Juan X2 Recovery and Mobility

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Full Name: Juan Urquiaga

P90X2 Introduction: A double heart attack survivor; he saved his own life and lowered his cholesterol with P90X. Now he is a Team Beachbody coach and a firm believer in the power of P90X to change a person’s health and lifestyle, […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Julie X2 Base + Back

Don’t forget to check out all my CAST PROFILES!

No action shot; she moves too fast!

Full Name: Julie Voris

P90X2 Introduction: Tony Horton introduces Julie as the mom of three school-age children. She joins the club of P90X2 Moms. She has a kid in high school? You could have fooled me! Tony also […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Collette, X2 Ab Ripper and P.A.P. Lower

Don’t forget to check out all my CAST PROFILES!

Side Bridge Leg Lift (advanced version)

Full Name: Collette DeBenedetto Stohler

P90X2 Introduction: In X2 Ab Ripper, Tony Horton concludes with a shout out to Collette, “The French-Italian!” In P.A.P. Lower, we learn that she’s a former bodybuilder… No, Tony, an Olympic-style weightlifter, to be precise. […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Kit X2 Balance and Power

Don’t forget to check out all my CAST PROFILES!

Russian Twist

Full Name: Kit Horton Caldicott

P90X2 Introduction: Tony Horton has known her “forever,” because Kit is his younger sister. At first, I thought this was a figure of speech (“like a sister to me”), but it’s true! Kit is also a Team Beachbody […]

P90X2 P90X3 Cast Profile: Ted McDonald

Ted demonstrates a Reverse Half Moon

Check out all the CAST PROFILES!

Full Name: Ted McDonald

P90X2 Introduction: Ted has been practicing and instructing yoga for… A long time. Tony Horton introduces Ted as the person who helped to develop the X2 Yoga workout. As you can imagine, Ted is demonstrating the […]