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P90X2 Day 16: Plyocide

I wasn’t sure if today’s workout was going to turn out so well. First of all, I got four and half hours of sleep last night. Second, the previous night’s sleep wasn’t so great, either. I decided to “do my best and forget the rest” anyway, because there is a “Recovery and Mobility” day tomorrow.


P90X2 Day 9: Plyocide

This is my second official week. In addition, I previewed this workout once or twice. I still find myself wondering, “Why are they pretending to arrive at the gym again? Isn’t this an at-home workout?” I laughed at the beginning of some of the P90X workouts, too, where they were in a pre-game huddle or […]

P90X2 Day 4: Balance and Power

If you are reading other P90X2 blogs (It’s OK, I won’t be upset), you may have noticed that I am doing the Balance and Power workout on day 4, rather than the recommended day 6. That’s because I want to allow extra time for the Total Body workout, followed by the new and, um, different […]

P90X2 Day 2: Plyocide = Plyo + Homicide?

As P90X fans may have guessed, this workout is the next generation of the Plyometrics workout, combining the signature jumping and hopping exercises with the use of only one leg, or a medicine ball, to add the new emphasis on “functional fitness.” I already like this approach better than the original, because the P90X version […]