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P90X2 Day 71: P.A.P. Lower

I found my stride today with this workout. First of all, I was not dealing with the illness I had a few days ago. Second, with this twice a week schedule, plus all the repetitions of the same exercises, I think I’m getting the hang of it.

One thing I wondered during the warm up: […]

P90X2 Day 69: P.A.P. Upper

I did not feel very well when I woke up this morning. I gave blood yesterday, and it was a double red cell donation, so maybe I was still recovering. I had a mild headache, and after breakfast I felt a little nauseated, too. I decided to press on and see how far I could […]

P90X2 Day 62: Recovery Week, Day 6

I had a busy morning planned today, so I wasn’t sure if I would work out at all. As it turned out, I woke up a little earlier than expected (ugh!), so I decided to do something crazy again this week: Yoga, two days in a row! That makes up for the session I missed […]

P90X2 Day 58: Recovery Week, Day 2

Today was the first of three yoga days for recovery week. Since I am not a yoga enthusiast, I don’t know if I will make it for all three days. There might be a substitution in there. But I made it through today, at least.

I have mentioned that one of the signs indicating I […]

P90X2 Day 55: Base + Back and Ab Ripper

It’s the weekend, and we had a family gathering planned. I was short on time, and I consumed a lot of calories today (by my own choice, of course). I knew this going into the workout, so I did my best to make it count.

I still couldn’t decide between pull downs in the kneeling […]