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P90X2 Day 51: Plyocide

Believe it or not, I really like the feedback and motivation provided by my heart rate monitor, which is still waiting for a battery replacement or something, since I’m not sure why it suddenly died. I did my best to push hard through all the exercises with minimal rest, except for the scheduled breaks.

Exercise […]

P90X2 Day 37: Plyocide

We’re arriving at the gym late again, or at least Mark Briggs is! I guess they need some sort of intro for the workouts. Jillian Michaels uses a similar fake huddle or clipped conversation at the beginning of her videos, too.

This workout has been with me since the first week, so I have covered […]

P90X2 Day 33: X2 Yoga

I didn’t want to do yoga today! I was tired due to lack of sleep several nights this week, and if you’ve read this blog at all, you know that I am not a yoga enthusiast. I behaved myself anyway, and made sure I had enough time to complete the entire workout.

The moving Asanas […]

P90X2 Day 29: Chest, Back and Balance, Ab Ripper

Note: If you found this because you are looking for more info about P90X2 cast member Kelly, I do mention her at the bottom of this blog entry. Please stick around and read about my progress with P90X2. Your comments and my experiences can help us to BRING IT AGAIN! Thanks!

This was a new […]

P90X2 Day 28: Recovery and End of Phase 1

I did not do the Recovery and Mobility session today. Sundays are sometimes busy for our family, so the recovery often comes in the form of some food treats and relaxation. Today in particular, my parents visited from their home far away. The funny thing is that they are vegetarians now, and pretty health-conscious, but […]