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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 8


It’s the beginning of week 2! Back to the aerobic workout. I decided to do the warmup and cooldown from the P90X Plyometrics DVD, instead of the one in the book. The stretches are similar, but I keep a better pace and form when I follow along with Tony and the gang. I do […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 6


Today I actually completed the Striver’s Resistance Workout, Phase 1. It took longer than expected (over an hour. I was definitely worn out, but I don’t know if it packs the same wallop as a P90X workout. Of course, it is the middle level of difficulty, after all. I took the time to make […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 5


OK, this is interesting to note… Today was supposed to be yoga day, but I forgot! I got through the warmup and stretch for the aerobic workout, because I figured yesterday was resistance, so today is aerobic again, right? Then I remembered that on the schedule, Friday is yoga day! Well, I wasn’t ready […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 4


Today I returned to the Striver’s Resistance Workout, Phase 1. Once again, I was running late, so I ran through the two “circuits” once rather than twice. It took me 45 minutes to do whatever I did manage to accomplish, so I think some streamlining is required to complete this workout in under an […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 3


Today’s aerobic workout (the same as two days ago) took 40 minutes start to finish. My warmup might be longer than the suggested “March in place (30 steps),” then jog, then run. For some reason I think I would be more comfortable having a DVD (or audio) lead me through the warmup and […]