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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 2


Today was my first try at the Striver’s Resistance Workout, Phase 1 (estimate time 30-35 minutes). The stretches are the familiar P90X head and shoulder rolls, huggers, etc. The workout is a combination of moves from the arm, shoulder, and biceps DVDs, with some lower body and abdominal exercises thrown in for a […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 1

Today I took a step away from P90X, for the first time in a year, but I did not go too far. I started the workout and nutrition plan in Tony Horton’s new book Bring It! I will try to highlight some points from the book along the way, but for now I want to […]

Round 4, Week 13 The End and the Beginning

For me, P90X round 4 is ending with a whimper rather than a bang. I did both sessions of Core Synergistics, I skipped Kenpo and had a mediocre treadmill session instead. Yes, I skipped yoga, just to be consistent (or something). I will add that I still enjoy Core Synergistics after all this time. From […]

Round 4, Week 12 recap

Let’s cut to the chase: No yoga again this week! I did all the other workouts, including Kenpo, which I have not done in a while. I guess I was inspired by my wife and son, who are making good progress in their karate training. No big breakthroughs, but a good ending to the week […]

Round 4, Week 11 Recap

Generally, I felt better about my workouts this week than I have in a long time. Yoga day was bad because I had a short night’s sleep and a headache, but the strength training and Plyometrics days went really well. As it turned out, I skipped yoga and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes […]