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P90X2 Day 18: Balance and Power

Today was not a good workout day. Looking back after I have completed my first round of P90X2, I hope I will be able to say this was my low point, where everything turned around and got better.

I got home unusually late last night, and slept from 2 AM – 8 AM. This is probably the major reason for today’s poor performance. I am on my third day of poor sleep.

Here’s a note about the cast: I learned that Kit is in fact Tony Horton’s sister! She is @KitHortonCaldic (Kit Horton Caldicott) on Twitter. When I first watched the DVD, I was wondering if she was a sister as in “I love her like a sister.” Apparently it is the literal truth.

I used the stability ball in a couple more exercises this time. I did Mountain Climbers for the entire 30 seconds, using the stability ball. I also used it for the Sphinx to Plank Plyo Bounce (with the ball, but no bounce at the end of each repetition). On the other hand, for the Forearm Alt Side Plank, I decided to go back to the floor for better control.

For the Over/Under Boat, I used a resistance band to pass around my legs, which is easier than pulling a towel.

During the Warrior Row Press, I made lots of toe taps. My fatigue was showing!

I did the Crawly Crab Press with no weights, on the stability ball again. It was ugly, but I am learning better form.

I skipped the bonus round because I was short on time. When I got done stretching, almost an hour and a half had passed, for a one hour workout, and my calorie burn was not great. I skipped back to the instructions several times again this week, and got interrupted by my family because I was starting later in the morning. As I said at the beginning, it was not a great day for me, but I got through it.

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