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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 6


Today I actually completed the Striver’s Resistance Workout, Phase 1. It took longer than expected (over an hour. I was definitely worn out, but I don’t know if it packs the same wallop as a P90X workout. Of course, it is the middle level of difficulty, after all. I took the time to make the adjustments to my weights, too. I guess I will be giving this workout at least an hour and fifteen minutes, to be sure to complete it on a weekday.


I behaved myself today, mostly. We did have Greek food for lunch, which means a chicken breast sandwich on a large pita, with lettuce, tomato, onion, and yogurt sauce. On the side I had some fries (gasp!). Also, my son shared half of his dessert, to the tune of a couple hundred calories. Hey, it’s good to encourage sharing, right?

I had no caffeine today, even though I made a trip to 7 Eleven. I was tempted, though.

My calorie intake has been all over the place, rather than trying to stick to a specific daily number. I know about the idea of “calorie averaging,” where you consider your calorie intake over the past couple of days, but maybe I need to be more consistent.

Health and well-being

I took a rest/nap mid-afternoon, even after a full night’s sleep. I do find myself getting really tired in the afternoon. As a matter of fact, other than exercise time I don’t feel particularly energetic.

The last day of the exercise week (tomorrow), Tony encourages us to rest, stretch, and/or find an activity we enjoy. I plan to get another full night’s rest and see how it goes from there.

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