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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 10


My aerobic workout was 35 minutes again, plus 20 minutes on the treadmill for a jog/walk while watching The Biggest Loser. I find that show always makes me go a little faster! The calorie burn was moderate for that amount of time. My form improved on the exercises, especially the Line Jump. “Hopping back and forth, like bunny rabbits!”


Breakfast was one fried egg on a multigrain english muffin, with a little ham. I had a Pure Protein bar for mid-morning snack. Lunch was vegetable soup with kidney beans and quinoa, a rice cake with spicy hummus, then some mixed nuts (unsalted) in the late afternoon. Dinner was tuna steak with white rice (not my choice, but OK) and broccoli. We go out on Wednesday nights to a friend’s house, and usually there are goodies. I did have a piece of cake. Overall, It was nice to see that I was at the break even point for my calories today. I need more days like that, and maybe some calorie deficits too.

Health and well-being

I am surprised at how well workouts are going with an average six hours sleep per night. I am not proud of that, but at least I am holding up OK. I don’t want to give up caffeine until I am getting better sleep. Maybe that’s an excuse, but I have spent plenty of afternoons in a zombie-like state.

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