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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 11


Today was a resistance workout day. I started out a little tired. I got through circuit 1, did the repeat of that circuit, then did circuit 2. I skipped the repeat set on circuit 2, which shaved about 10 minutes off my time. Because of the shortened workout, it took about 45 minutes.


I ate healthy meals, but I also had some chocolate a couple of times today. My calorie count was high (120 over budget) because I had yogurt, protein powder and a banana for dessert before I entered my food into Calorie Count for the day. I guess I wasn’t that far off, right?

Health and well-being

My throat feels a little sore. This time of year, I am surrounded by people who are coughing and sneezing. I am doing my best to prevent it from getting worse by taking some vitamin C, zinc gluconate, and using my neti pot. I know this has nothing to do with my workouts, unless of course I need to take a sick day.

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