Big news… I tried the yoga routine, at last! Well, I had only skipped the first week, but it feels like more because of all the times I missed during P90X.
Once again, this is supposed to be a 35 to 40 minute workout. It includes many poses familiar to P90X graduates, along with a couple of new ones. In principle, it’s pretty simple: Do these poses, in this order, first on the right side, then on the left side. Repeat three times. In practice, for someone who is still not a yoga master, it was difficult to make the transitions from one pose to the other, once I got past the familiar plank/chaturanga/upward dog/downward dog. I had written down page numbers on my photocopy of the routine to use for reference, and I only needed to check a couple of poses, but working from instructions and a picture (rather than a video) was sometimes difficult.
After a couple of repetitions of the routine, I placed the workout sheet on the floor next to my mat, where I could see it easily, and got through it pretty well. I didn’t think I would say this, but I prefer being led through the P90X yoga routine in all its length and repetition. I guess I could skip some sections for the time I am doing this program and still get the same benefits, or more. I suspect the Warrior-level routine looks a lot like P90X anyway.
After yoga, since I had some extra time, I took a 20 minute walk/run on the treadmill. I guess it’s normally not recommended to do cardio or strength training after a stretching routine, but I really didn’t feel too stretched out, if you get my meaning. In my early days with P90X, I tried a short cardio session before yoga, but I didn’t like being sweaty when I started the routine. I guess hot yoga isn’t for me.
Uh oh, my birthday weekend has begun! I had a big burger and onion rings for lunch, with a shared ice cream/cookie dessert. Hey, at least I shared (just like the other day, only more so). I ended the day with a 600 calorie surplus. Tomorrow is my actual birthday, and I know food is not a reward, but I make better food choices the rest of the time so I can relax them a little at times like these. I’ve been pretty honest here. I am just trying to find that middle ground between the Standard American Diet (SAD) and an overly-strict dietary regimen.
I did have diet soda today, which I have given up at home and at work, but the caffeine level was lower than the coffee I do drink at work. Oh, I should mention that “Bring It!” has a section with reference tables for caffeine, sugar, and other substances. Here’s another handy reference from the Mayo Clinic.
Health and well-being
My head cold isn’t getting any worse yet. My throat is still a little sore. Hopefully a good night’s sleep will do the trick.