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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 13


Today’s strength workout went well, just like the previous one. I wanted to make sure I got in some calorie burning to offset the coming storm, so to speak. In comparison it wasn’t much, but it will help me get stronger, anyway. I really like using my P90X videos for the warmup and cooldown, too.


Severe calorie blowout warning! For my birthday, at breakfast I had four small chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, with ham, sliced banana, and real maple syrup (one tablespoon). By the way, Tony uses real maple syrup too, in some of his recipes in the book. That stuff they call “table syrup” is just not worth it, people!

For lunch, we went to our favorite barbecue place. The usual routine is to share a huge platter of nachos piled up with meat, cheese, salsa, sour cream, and some decorative greens. After that, we’re pretty full, so we pick at our entrees and bring most of it home. I planned for this by bringing home some pretty safe choices: Sliced beef brisket (lean) and pulled chicken (in a little barbecue sauce). My sides were sweet potato fries, which I ate at the restaurant, and baked beans, which I brought home. So my plan to taper off the bad stuff by Monday is right on track.

For dinner, I had my vegetable soup and a grilled cheese (toasted and microwaved), then we had the birthday cake! My daughter did a great job icing it after I baked it. Let’s just say I had to do some quality control tasting along the way.

It turns out I was about 500 calories over my limit today. There were some estimates in there, but that’s a good ballpark figure. My percentage of protein relative to total calories was really low, since I carb-loaded on cake and icing. On days like this, I make my best guess at the damage, and move on. I know tomorrow will be better.

Health and well-being

I got a good night’s sleep, at last! Unfortunately, this afternoon, the sniffles and stuffiness started getting worse. I’ll do my best to get through this cold as quickly as possible.

I don’t particularly like how I feel after I overindulge for a meal or two. During the holidays, there were too many days like this. Tomorrow I need to get back on track. Chicken soup is low in calories, right?

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