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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 23

Interesting side note: Check out this review of P90X and these Most Annoying Things About Tony Horton from Brett Blumenthal. I came across a link to her blog thanks to Twitter and the #p90x hashtag. I think she’s done a great job summarizing the pros and cons of P90X. She makes some good points about Tony, too, even if I think the word “annoying” is a little mean.


I took my first try at Striver’s Resistance Level 2 today. I created new worksheets, just as I did for Level 1. There are pullups and chinups in this one, as well as arm and bicep exercises, and no Tony Horton workout would be complete without pushups. There are also two versions of a plyometric squat, which P90X fans know as the jump squat.

Timing was an issue for me on this workout, just as it was for Level 1. Where Tony says it should take 40-45 minutes, I had to stop after an hour when I had only completed Circuit 1 (twice) and Circuit 2 (once). That last circuit would probably have taken about 10 minutes. It was my first time through, so hopefully I can streamline this a bit. I do have to walk back and forth to my pulldown resistance bands for the chinups and pullups, and that’s where I have my exercise mat for the floor exercises like the good old side-tri-rise.


Today was a pretty good day. My meals were healthy, protein percentage was in the high 20s, and I stayed away from the junk. I did have some coffee.

Health and well-being

I made my best effort to get a good night’s sleep. It took me about an hour to fall asleep, and I woke up an hour earlier than planned and couldn’t get back to sleep. Grr. Better luck next time? At least I am not having as much trouble with feeling sleepy today, and I think it’s only partly due to the coffee I had mid-morning. Meanwhile, I keep hearing about the benefits of sleep. Gee, thanks.

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