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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 32


I completed the resistance level 2 workout in an hour. Once again, it was through sheer willpower, because I didn’t think I would make it through all four circuits. I started out tired, but the exercise woke me up a little, so I made it through. I think I am making improvements with the crunches at the end of each circuit. One of my weak points when doing P90X was that I would pretty consistently run out of time (or energy) and skip Ab Ripper X. I have read on blogs and message boards that some people do the Ab Ripper workout separately, as an evening workout for example, but for me that never happened.


I did very well today. As a matter of fact, Calorie Count gave me an A (on the pie chart analyzing my protein/carbs/fat). Sometimes I disagree with them about my grade, but today it’s great! My protein intake was 29%, carbs 51%, fat only 19%. Maybe I should have had fewer carbs and more healthy fat, but I am still happy with the result. I had a Zone Perfect bar as an evening snack, and I wondered at the time if it would raise my calories too much. As it turned out, I was at -49 calories (basically breakeven), which is fine for a resistance workout day.

Health and well-being

I was OK for most of the day. Actually, it was a busy day, so the activity distracted me from my usual eating pattern. I had lunch a little later, and even though it was a pretty light meal, it filled me up, and all I had for an afternoon snack was an apple. By the end of the evening, after I had been at a rehearsal for a couple of hours, I was tired and in a bad mood. That’s one of the reasons I was craving that protein bar, I guess, but it’s better than a bowl of ice cream. Sometimes it’s best to make a reasonable healthy choice, rather than fight with myself about it.

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