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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 33


I skipped yoga today. This is not big news, even after last week’s P90X yoga session. I woke up late, after getting to bed late, and I had about 30 minutes for exercise, so I got on the treadmill for a brisk walk/slow jog while watching The Biggest Loser. It was definitely better than no workout at all.


I had a healthy breakfast and morning snack. We ordered Chinese food for lunch (it’s Friday!), and this time I had the unhealthy choice: General Tso’s Chicken. At least I ordered the brown rice (not white or fried). I ate the big bowl of hot and sour soup, and about a third of the chicken and rice. There will be leftovers, but it’s not too bad calorie-wise. Unfortunately, it’s mostly carbs and fat, and not a lot of protein.

I had a protein bar as a late afternoon snack, then went home for “taco night” (which is not a regular thing at our house, but it sounds fun to say it). The soft taco shell, ground turkey, veggies, and a little sour cream fit perfectly into my calorie limit. Then I felt like having a piece of cake… so I did. I ended the day at +250 calories. Enough said.

Health and well-being

I started out the day tired, and it definitely had an effect on my food choices, as well as my caffeine consumption. I had two cups of coffee (morning and afternoon) and a diet cola with my Chinese food. One bad thing leads to another?

I should have waited a half hour before eating that cake. Maybe I would have reconsidered. Sometimes, I guess we rush into something questionable because we know that it’s the wrong thing, but we really want to do it. Of course, this is not a big moral dilemma… Unless it happens every night after dinner.

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