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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 34


Today I tried something a little different while doing the resistance level 2 workout. I used a real pull-up bar, rather than the resistance bands I normally use for pull-downs. There is only one place in my house where the pull-up bar will hang, and that is not convenient when I am “working out […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 33


I skipped yoga today. This is not big news, even after last week’s P90X yoga session. I woke up late, after getting to bed late, and I had about 30 minutes for exercise, so I got on the treadmill for a brisk walk/slow jog while watching The Biggest Loser. It was definitely better than […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 32


I completed the resistance level 2 workout in an hour. Once again, it was through sheer willpower, because I didn’t think I would make it through all four circuits. I started out tired, but the exercise woke me up a little, so I made it through. I think I am making improvements with the […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 31


I did the aerobic level 2 workout, then had to get ready for work without the additional treadmill time. I finished in 38 minutes again, which reminds me of a Stargate Atlantis episode of the same name. Well, 38 minutes is a special amount of time in the Stargate shows, because… never mind.

Nutrition […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 30


I finished the Striver’s level 2 resistance workout in 60 minutes. I was working hard, too. I still want to see a video of someone completing it in 40 minutes. The good news is that I can imagine a time, maybe a couple of months away, where I will outgrow my 20 lb adjustable […]