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Blog Reboot: P90X2 Is Here!

I recently completed another round of P90X, sort of a “Lean” variation with the Striver Level 2 workout from Bring It!, and I knew it was going to be about the same time as the estimated delivery date for P90X2. Then it arrived, on December 8, almost three weeks ago…

My family decided to surprise me, by telling me the charge had been put on my credit card that day (true), so it should be arriving “soon.” They hung the contents of the package in a doorway, as shown, and I walked right past it all. It’s actually a dark hallway, if the lights aren’t on, OK? When I came back down the hallway, they were all just staring at me… Then I got really excited!

I have mentioned before that I came into the P90X “family” pretty late, just a couple of years ago. I know there have been some updates (P90X Plus and Tony Horton One on One), but I wasn’t ready to spend the money yet. Almost a year ago, I had the opportunity to meet Tony during his Bring It! book tour, and the book helped me out of an exercise slump. Now P90X2 is here, and it feels like I waited until just the right time for all these major events in Tony Horton/P90X history… Or something like that, anyway.

I have taken the past few weeks to enjoy the holiday season and prepare for round 1 of P90X2. Although my previous blog entries are certainly not a complete description of my experiences with P90X, after seven rounds (more or less), I was using the program in “maintenance mode” and not making too many improvements. Not a plateau, exactly, because I am happy to have maintained my weight and waist size all this time, without being “on a diet” but monitoring my calorie intake. Sometimes “monitoring” is not the same as “limiting” my calories, but I always try to be honest with myself.

I hope this new series of blog entries helps people to learn more about P90X2, and maybe pick up some helpful tips from firsthand experience.

My P90X2 Goals

Thanks to my previous weight loss and exercise efforts, I am still at my goal weight, and my stomach is flat. Of course, the grass is always greener on the other side of the street, as they say, and I have looked on with envy at the P90X success stories (now even more impressive with the P90X2 promotional videos). I suspect that I have not achieved that level of success because my calorie-conscious eating habits are not as strict as the P90X Nutrition Guide (now updated for P90X2, of course). Also, the parts of the P90X program which always suffered from my lack of time or procrastination were the Ab Ripper and Yoga workouts. I have made my peace with yoga as a workout that’s good for the core muscles, and I wish I had made time for Ab Ripper more often by shortening the main workout as needed, or putting in the 20 minutes at night. Anyway, looking ahead to P90X2, my two main goals are:

  1. I want to see my six pack abs. I know they are there, and probably not too well hidden, but I don’t have that sculpted look yet.
  2. I want to be “Pull Up Boy” (and Push Up Boy, if possible). As I went through P90X, I did my best with resistance bands and push up stands. I have certainly made progress. Now I have a new set of resistance bands, and the new P90X2 workouts promise to improve my body so I will be able to “work harder than ever before.”
Questions or Feedback
Please leave a comment and let me know if you are interested in P90X2, or if you have any experience with the program. If you have any questions, I would be glad to help. If you would like to support my blogging efforts, please visit any of the links on the page. Thanks!

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