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P90X2 Day 39: Shoulders and Arms

I decided to sleep an extra hour today, and tried to rush through my morning routine, rather than cutting my sleep short. This is the eternal dilemma of sleep vs. exercise, at least for me… The real answer, of course, is to leave myself enough time to sleep 7-8 hours and tighten up (ha ha) my workout prep/exercise/clean up.

Exercise notes:

  • I increased the weight I used (compared to last week) on the Overhead Tricep Pull. Just like in the P90X version, we must be careful when lifting weights overhead. Now we’re using a stability ball, too.
  • Is my balance getting better? I was a little more comfortable lifting weights while in unstable positions.

I was running out of time, so I cut Round 3 a little short. Also, I skipped the Ab Ripper section in the morning, and I did not get back to it in the evening, either. At least there will be some abs work during yoga tomorrow.

Once again, I am wondering if I am using lighter weights for better balance at the expense of a more difficult workout. My arms are not as sore as they might have been back in the P90X days.

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