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P90X2 Day 55: Base + Back and Ab Ripper

It’s the weekend, and we had a family gathering planned. I was short on time, and I consumed a lot of calories today (by my own choice, of course). I knew this going into the workout, so I did my best to make it count.

I still couldn’t decide between pull downs in the kneeling […]

P90X2 Day 54: Yoga

Once again, I tried to sleep in and get started more quickly. Unfortunately, my timing for yoga is infamously bad, and I was late! This week, I decided to skip the Single-Double-Triple sequence, since my shoulders were acting up anyway, and focus on the dreaded Warrior 3 exercises instead. I thought it was fatigue that […]

P90X2 Day 53: Shoulders + Arms and Ab Ripper

Wow, I thought it was Yoga Day again this week, instead of Shoulders and Arms. I don’t think I am coming to appreciate yoga that much. Maybe I am trying to rush the week along? Unfortunately, I slept late again, and skipped my early morning snack, thinking I was headed into a (slightly) shorter workout.


P90X2 Day 52: Recovery and Mobility

I definitely needed some recovery time today. I slept late again, and hurried myself along, rather than getting up early.

During the mobility sequence of squats, lunges, etc. I find it is easiest to follow Cedric rather than Tony. Cedric’s timing is the most consistent.

I don’t have much new progress to report, except that […]

P90X2 Day 51: Plyocide

Believe it or not, I really like the feedback and motivation provided by my heart rate monitor, which is still waiting for a battery replacement or something, since I’m not sure why it suddenly died. I did my best to push hard through all the exercises with minimal rest, except for the scheduled breaks.

Exercise […]