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P90X2 Day 45: Recovery and Mobility

These days, I tell my wife I am doing “The Rumble Roller Infomercial” when I refer to this DVD. Of course, Tony Horton is sincere in his praise of the enhanced foam roller, so I won’t give him a hard time. He also admits later in the session that his jokes might get old after […]

P90X2 Day 44: Plyocide

I came into today’s workout a little tired, so it was not as energetic as last week. I did have some surprising results, though. Here are some highlights:

I was back to a, um, “faster” Fast Feet Jump I did OK (based on my own past performance) on the Warrior 3 Lunges. A little steadier, […]

P90X2 Day 43: Chest Back and Balance, Ab Ripper

I started the DVD today, and I thought once again, “That’s a lot of stuff!” when I saw the equipment list. Also, I was wondering if I mentioned that the cast members are Aaron, Shawn, and of course Kelly (bikini/fitness model and health blogger).This time around, I heard Tony Horton say that “kipping” is “Body […]

P90X2 Day 42: Recovery and Recap

It’s Superbowl Sunday! That didn’t really affect my plans for recovery, or otherwise. I did feel an urge to indulge, even though there’s no TV party at my house, so I decided to make a mini ice cream sundae with a banana (about 300 calories), in addition to my usual Sunday morning treat (another 300 […]

P90X2 Day 41: Base + Back and Ab Ripper

I came into today’s workout with two goals: Do it all, and do it in a reasonable amount of time. I started at 9 AM, and I finished at about 10:30 AM. I got through all the exercises, plus Ab Ripper, and I survived. Mission accomplished!

Since I was more familiar with the workout this […]