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P90X2 Day 68: P.A.P. Lower

Today’s goal was to get through more of the workout than I did on my first try last week (maybe even all of it). I wanted to believe that given the proper amount of time, I could make it.

During the warm up, I am reminded of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred as I do the Lateral Plyo Skater. Later  on during Complex 1, I remember that she also does a move similar to the Step Up Convict (no step up) during her workout. Is this an example of Tony being “inspired” by Jillian, as she seems to have been influenced by P90X in her recent video releases? Maybe great minds think alike?

Speaking of the Step Up Convict, the trick here to keep my legs moving in the right direction is that the same leg steps up, then down, and lunges back. While that is happening, the opposite knee goes up at the top of the move. Do five on each side by switching the leg that steps up and lunges back. I was trying to alternate sides or something, and getting really confused.

I find it difficult to keep track of what direction I am hopping during the One Leg Hop. Is it front to back or side to side? Did we just switch? Tony does provide cues, but it’s a matter of getting the timing down, I guess, or counting along.

I have a lot of trouble staying up during that side plank move in the second complex. Tony and the kids don’t make it look easy, either. As a matter of fact, the guys put their hands down for support once in a while. For now, I am happy just staying up in a side plank with or without the raised leg.

Unfortunately, I did run short on time (just a little), so in the second half of the workout I did 3 of the 4 complexes, so I could fit in the neuro-integrated stretching this time. Why do I have trouble ffiguring out which way to point my leg? In, out, up, sideways…

Tip of the Day: Learn as much as you can about health, fitness or any topic from various sources. You will see some information they have in common, but each brings their own perspective and insight.

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