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Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 3 Cardio 3

High Knees with Rotation

When I started Phase 3, which on the Body Revolution schedule corresponds to week 9, it was time to do the Cardio 3 workout, twice a week. In the previous Phases, I had a little energy to spare some days after my resistance workouts, so I might have squeezed in a cardio session from time to time. Since I started Phase 3, the best I’ve been able to do is one circuit of Cardio 3 after Workouts 9 or 10 (which is as far as I’ve gotten so far). I have been doing the entire Cardio 3 workout on the scheduled days.

Jillian’s introduction: “This is probably the most vicious workout I’ve ever created.” Just like the Cardio 1 and 2 workouts, there are three circuits, all the same. Each is about 10 minutes long. Each exercise set is about 20 seconds. The intensity increases with more combination moves, and several plyometric (jumping) moves in a row. Here is a general idea of how the circuit progresses:

Plank Moguls

  • Windmills
  • A kick exercise
  • Fast Feet
  • A kick exercise
  • Double Unders (jump rope)
  • High Front Kicks (like an Irish jig)
  • Plank Jumps
  • Several plyometric exercises
  • Squat Jacks (as seen in P90X Plyometrics, by the way)
  • High Knees, down to a plank and back up
  • Another plyometric exercise
  • Standing Mountain Climbers
  • High Knees with Rotation
  • Cannonballs (similar to Rock Star Jumps)
  • An exercise in a lunge pose
  • Crab Kicks
  • Two Thruster exercises (In a row? Really?)
  • Zig Zag Jumps
  • Side Plank Burpees
  • Single Leg Cross Hops (20 seconds for both feet is short compared to P90X, but it’s OK with me)
  • Plank Punches

And then, repeat this two more times! That’s why I was pleased with myself for doing one circuit after a full workout. I can’t wait to combine this with Workouts 11 and 12. What a way to finish!

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