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P90X2 Day 39: Shoulders and Arms

I decided to sleep an extra hour today, and tried to rush through my morning routine, rather than cutting my sleep short. This is the eternal dilemma of sleep vs. exercise, at least for me… The real answer, of course, is to leave myself enough time to sleep 7-8 hours and tighten up (ha ha) […]

P90X2 Day 38: Recovery and Mobility

I did the entire Recovery and Mobility session today. I am getting good at maneuvering the foam roller to get through each section at the same pace as the DVD. Of course, I know I can take as long as I want, use the pause button as Tony Horton says all the time, but I […]

P90X2 Day 37: Plyocide

We’re arriving at the gym late again, or at least Mark Briggs is! I guess they need some sort of intro for the workouts. Jillian Michaels uses a similar fake huddle or clipped conversation at the beginning of her videos, too.

This workout has been with me since the first week, so I have covered […]

P90X2 Day 36: Chest Back and Balance, Ab Ripper

For my second session with this workout, I wanted to figure out how to make the pull downs with the resistance bands a little more interesting, or at least figure out what the difference was between them. The pull ups look so much cooler! I used the same increased bands here as for Base + […]

P90X2 Day 35: Recovery and Mobility

Let’s keep it short and sweet today. I did no exercise. No Recovery and Mobility, either. I really should pull out that foam roller during TV time, at least. Maybe next week?