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Beachbody Insanity Cast Profile: Anna (or is it Hannah?)

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Help me, Shaun T! (Anna doesn’t need it)

Full Name: Anna Kaiser

Video Introduction: Shaun T seems to have trouble with Anna’s name. Sometimes he calls her “Hannah.” These are intense workouts, so we’ll forgive him! The cameras turn to Anna fairly often in the Beachbody […]

Beachbody Insanity Cast Profile: Tania

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Close up, because the rest is a blur!

(Insanity Plyometric Cardio)

Full Name: Tania Ante Baron

Insanity Introduction: Tania and Chris greet us in the Fit Test with Shaun T, and Tania is featured prominently in the Month 1 workouts.

Background/Current: On her Facebook page, Tania […]

P90X2 Cast Profile: Aaron X2 Chest+Back+Balance

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Core Crunch Chin Up using bands

Full Name: Aaron Mathis

P90X2 Introduction: He was 297 lbs before starting P90X. Tony Horton loves those success stories! Aaron is also a father of 2. Although he was a Team Beachbody coach at the time, he is now a […]

Body Revolution Cast Profile: Kamilah "Mimi" Barrett

Don’t forget to check out all my CAST PROFILES!

Mimi in Body Revolution

Full Name: Kamilah “Mimi” Barrett

Video Introduction: Jillian calls out Kamilah several times, to demonstrate a more energetic or entertaining variation of an exercise. Her nickname “Mimi” is used in all the workouts. Aside from old pros Anita and Natalie, Mimi is […]

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Cast Profile: Sari Melain

Don’t forget to check out all my CAST PROFILES!

Sari demonstrates High Knees. She can fly!

Full Name: Sari Melain Lamela Video Introduction: Jillian likes to pick on Sari from time to time, usually for a killer cardio exercise done at extra high speed. She meets the challenges with enthusiasm. Lots of enthusiasm!

From Sari’s […]