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P90X2 Day 69: P.A.P. Upper

I did not feel very well when I woke up this morning. I gave blood yesterday, and it was a double red cell donation, so maybe I was still recovering. I had a mild headache, and after breakfast I felt a little nauseated, too. I decided to press on and see how far I could […]

P90X2 Day 68: P.A.P. Lower

Today’s goal was to get through more of the workout than I did on my first try last week (maybe even all of it). I wanted to believe that given the proper amount of time, I could make it.

During the warm up, I am reminded of the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred as I […]

P90X2 Day 65: P.A.P. Upper

My first impression of P.A.P. Upper was “Look at all that equipment, again!” It’s an upper body workout (duh!), so we need the pull up bar, pull up assist, and/or bands, hand weights, towels, the foam roller, plus some items normally associated with the lower body (the plyo box and stability ball), and the weighted […]

P90X2 Day 63: Recovery

I did not do any foam rolling today. To be honest, my fitness-related activities included updating this blog, playing with my son, and previewing the P90X2 P.A.P Lower DVD for tomorrow. I’m curious to see how the Phase 3 schedule works for me, because on the surface it looks repetitive, to be honest:

Day 1: […]