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P90X2 Day 17: Recovery and Mobility

There have been many times since I started working out regularly that I have wondered, “Which is more important: sleep or exercise?” Often, it seems as if there isn’t enough time to allow the proper amount of time for both. Today, sleep won, but it wasn’t a great night. I woke up at 3 AM […]

P90X2 Day 16: Plyocide

I wasn’t sure if today’s workout was going to turn out so well. First of all, I got four and half hours of sleep last night. Second, the previous night’s sleep wasn’t so great, either. I decided to “do my best and forget the rest” anyway, because there is a “Recovery and Mobility” day tomorrow.


P90X2 Day 14: Recovery (no Mobility)

I took a rest today, and I needed it! Not much more to say, really. Several nights of poor sleep in a row will do that to me. Back to it tomorrow!

P90X2 Day 7: Rest and Recovery

I dealt with some self-inflicted computer problems all day today. It was a good day for a rest, and that’s what I did. More P90X2 tomorrow, for sure!

August Update

Hmm, it’s been a while (once again). Don’t worry, it’s not because I have abandoned the good habits Jillian and Tony taught me. On the contrary, I have continued to work out on a regular basis, I seem to be making progress on my slowly expanding waistline, if that makes sense, and […]