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Still Hanging In There


Well, it’s been three weeks, and it’s great to be back! I’ve been hanging out with Jillian Michaels more than with Tony Horton these days, reading Jillian’s book Unlimited, listening to her podcast (which, unlike the Beachbody podcast, is NOT a wholesale infomercial), and revisiting the 30 Day Shred workout DVD. I’m even […]

Where have I been?


It’s been a long time since my last post! I feel like saying “since my last confession.” As the blog’s name implies, it has been good, bad, and ugly over the past couple of months. I will do my best to summarize. What I have learned from looking at the statistics for the blog […]

Weekly Update April 4-10


Monday I did the usual (for the past few weeks) Striver’s Aerobic Level 2 and 15 minutes on the treadmill. It’s nice that some of these exercises work the core, too.Tuesday Chest and Back: I completed the entire workout and about two-thirds of Ab Ripper in my allocated 60 minutes. That’s progress, compared to […]

P90X by the book? March 28-April 3

This week, I decided to pull out the P90X week 1 workouts, with a couple of variations. On resistance workout days, I did the warm up and stretch with Tony and the gang, then I let the DVD run (muted) while I proceeded as quickly as possible. If I needed instructions, I referred to the […]

Weekly Update March 14-20

Please let me know what you think of this weekly update format. I know the calendar week begins on Sunday, and I respect all the reasons why. For workout and blogging purposes, I choose to end the week on Sunday rather than Saturday, as my day of rest.

My hope is to blog about other […]