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30 Day Shred or P90X? Jillian Michaels or Tony Horton? Part 2

P90X ( link)

In Part One, I talked about my experience with workout DVDs by Tony Horton and Jillian Michaels, provided some background information about Jillian and Tony and how their experience influenced their workout styles, and then listed many of the DVDs they created. In this post, I want to compare how […]

30 Day Shred or P90X? Tony Horton or Jillian Michaels? A Comparison

In the search statistics for this blog, I have noticed some people are looking for comparisons of 30 Day Shred (by Jillian Michaels) and P90X (by Tony Horton and Beachbody). As stated in the tag line for my blog, I have completed both programs, as well as other workouts by Jillian and Tony, so I […]

Jillian Michaels On Fitness Goals

Jillian! Tony! Please don’t fight!

Here we go again… On the May 12, 2012 episode of The Jillian Michaels Show podcast titled “Jillian has some great ideas on how to reach your fitness goals,” Jillian discusses several practical tips. For example, the first one is “Be honest with yourself.” Are you really eating […]

P90X Cast Profile: Pam the Blam

Pam’s Twitter Profile Pic

laconic: (adj.) using or involving the use of a minimum of words : concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious (Merriam-Webster)

Full Name: Pam T. Blam, as far as we’re concerned. If she chooses to remain anonymous online, or if it’s just great personal branding, that’s cool with […]

Vacation Week Bring It! Workouts

I was on vacation last week, with a bad foot. We had lots of walking planned, though, and I generally try to fit in a 30-60 minute workout in the morning if possible, and the hotel has an exercise room. My goals were 1) Don’t overeat ALL the time (maybe SOME OF the time); 2) […]