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P90X2 Day 41: Base + Back and Ab Ripper

I came into today’s workout with two goals: Do it all, and do it in a reasonable amount of time. I started at 9 AM, and I finished at about 10:30 AM. I got through all the exercises, plus Ab Ripper, and I survived. Mission accomplished!

Since I was more familiar with the workout this […]

P90X2 Day 40: Yoga

Day 40 seems so significant, and yet, it’s just another step along the P90X2 “journey,” as Tony Horton calls it. For me, it’s noteworthy that I have not skipped a single yoga session along the way.

I kept up the pace during the Single/Double/Triple sequence. My shoulders were getting sore, though, so I took a […]

P90X2 Day 33: X2 Yoga

I didn’t want to do yoga today! I was tired due to lack of sleep several nights this week, and if you’ve read this blog at all, you know that I am not a yoga enthusiast. I behaved myself anyway, and made sure I had enough time to complete the entire workout.

The moving Asanas […]

P90X2 Day 32: Shoulders and Arms

As a teenager, I rode my bike a lot, and in the last couple of years of high school I was a cross country runner. My exercise choices at the time might have contributed to my “98 pound weakling” look, which in my adult life translated into a guy with no upper body muscle, and […]

P90X2 Day 30: Plyocide

I started today’s workout tired and running late. There was too much going on before the workout, and I was in the middle of a couple of tasks. I felt scattered and rushed.

Here are some exercise notes:

I think I did better on the Think Drills today (faster feet, or so it seemed) 10 […]