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P90X2 Day 54: Yoga

Once again, I tried to sleep in and get started more quickly. Unfortunately, my timing for yoga is infamously bad, and I was late! This week, I decided to skip the Single-Double-Triple sequence, since my shoulders were acting up anyway, and focus on the dreaded Warrior 3 exercises instead. I thought it was fatigue that […]

P90X2 Day 47: X2 Yoga

This is another one of those “better late than never” days. More specifically, I completed 40 minutes of the 66-minute workout. I got through the beginning section, including all the moving Asanas. My shoulders are still bothering me at times. The good news is that when I actually listened to what Tony Horton was saying […]

P90X2 Day 40: Yoga

Day 40 seems so significant, and yet, it’s just another step along the P90X2 “journey,” as Tony Horton calls it. For me, it’s noteworthy that I have not skipped a single yoga session along the way.

I kept up the pace during the Single/Double/Triple sequence. My shoulders were getting sore, though, so I took a […]

P90X2 Day 33: X2 Yoga

I didn’t want to do yoga today! I was tired due to lack of sleep several nights this week, and if you’ve read this blog at all, you know that I am not a yoga enthusiast. I behaved myself anyway, and made sure I had enough time to complete the entire workout.

The moving Asanas […]

P90X2 Day 26: Yoga

During Tony Horton’s introduction he says, “Don’t get caught up in being perfect.” That is a great reminder for me and other folks who aren’t so good at yoga. There are plenty of things in P90X and P90X2 that are difficult for me, but the proper form in yoga seems particularly elusive.

One of the […]