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P90X2 Day 19: X2 Yoga

As I may have mentioned, one of my goals for P90X2 was to do more yoga. By that, I mean skip fewer sessions than I did with P90X, and do them for the entire time. The good news is that I did my yoga today. Unfortunately, I only did 48 minutes out of 67, because […]

P90X2 Day 12: Yoga

Good news and bad news: I did my yoga today, as scheduled… but not all of it. More on that later.

Some exercise-related comments:

I have difficulty with my shoulders in the downward dog position, especially when we do it so much during the single/double/triple My nemesis is still the Warrior 3/Half Moon/Reverse Half Moon/Standing […]

P90X2 Day 5: Yoga

During my first round of P90X, a couple of years ago, I skipped Yoga X for the first several weeks. At first, I wasn’t sure I wanted to try it, then the lengthy workout (90 minutes!) seemed to be too much for me to learn it, then I finally decided to give it a try. […]

Where have I been?


It’s been a long time since my last post! I feel like saying “since my last confession.” As the blog’s name implies, it has been good, bad, and ugly over the past couple of months. I will do my best to summarize. What I have learned from looking at the statistics for the blog […]

Weekly Update April 4-10


Monday I did the usual (for the past few weeks) Striver’s Aerobic Level 2 and 15 minutes on the treadmill. It’s nice that some of these exercises work the core, too.Tuesday Chest and Back: I completed the entire workout and about two-thirds of Ab Ripper in my allocated 60 minutes. That’s progress, compared to […]