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P90X2 Day 56: Recovery

There’s not much to report today, really. It was a busy Sunday, so I did not do any foam rolling. My recovery consisted of a lack of activity, along with a little overeating (not too crazy, though).

Over the past couple of days, it has occurred to me that I really need a recovery week. The P90X2 schedule recommends a recovery week on an as-needed basis, instead of the Week 5/9/13 in P90X. My shoulders are sore, or more accurately, sensitive to any kind of movement or activity. Last time this happened, I was feeling burned out. Maybe I should have done this a week or two ago.

P90X2 Tip of the Day: Don’t wait until you’re burned out to schedule a Recovery Week.

P90X2 Day 55: Base + Back and Ab Ripper

It’s the weekend, and we had a family gathering planned. I was short on time, and I consumed a lot of calories today (by my own choice, of course). I knew this going into the workout, so I did my best to make it count.

I still couldn’t decide between pull downs in the kneeling or lunging position, so I ran upstairs from the basement and set up my pull up bar. I tried a hybrid of several pull ups on the bar (as well as I can, since my feet are touching the floor when I grab the bar), followed by the rest of my reps using the bands. I definitely need more time on the bar, but it was still a great effort.

Exercise notes:

  • I’ve got the hang of the tricky Plyo Lunge Press (lunge, hands up while switching legs, hands down, repeat)
  • My Jack in the Box Knee Tuck was a little slower, maybe because of the pull ups plus running up and down the basement stairs
I felt a sense of accomplishment when I got to the end. My heart rate monitor, which has mysteriously come back to life, reported a good calorie burn for my 1 hour and 12 minutes. I did not get to Ab Ripper today, though, so I will have to make it up tomorrow.

P90X2 Tip of the Day: Challenge yourself to try the harder version of an exercise. If you don’t do enough repetitions to feel the burn, add some easier repetitions too.

P90X2 Day 54: Yoga

Once again, I tried to sleep in and get started more quickly. Unfortunately, my timing for yoga is infamously bad, and I was late! This week, I decided to skip the Single-Double-Triple sequence, since my shoulders were acting up anyway, and focus on the dreaded Warrior 3 exercises instead. I thought it was fatigue that was causing my poor performance, but apparently not. At least I gave it my best try.

Here is some good news: Despite the fact that I can’t seem to get my knees on top of my triceps for the Crane position (it’s more like knees on elbows), I am leaning forward and on the tip of my big toes, which is pretty close to airborne. That’s progress!

I ended the workout 18 minutes before the end, which means I did about half of it. I was simply out of time. It’s less than 70 minutes long, but mentally I need to allow 90 minutes for this one.

P90X2 Tip of the Day: Whenever possible, allow more time than you think you will need for your workout. It’s OK to have extra time at the end, but not so good if you run out of time.

P90X2 Day 53: Shoulders + Arms and Ab Ripper

Wow, I thought it was Yoga Day again this week, instead of Shoulders and Arms. I don’t think I am coming to appreciate yoga that much. Maybe I am trying to rush the week along? Unfortunately, I slept late again, and skipped my early morning snack, thinking I was headed into a (slightly) shorter workout.

Since it turned out I was working on my upper body, my goals were the same as last week: As much weight as possible, with good form, on one leg. I increased the weight used for Balance Curl, Overhead Tricep Pull, and Rocket Launcher Tricep Kickback. For the second and third sets, I used a resistance band with heavier weight on the Arnold Press, since I didn’t want to mess around with my adjustable hand weights. I definitely met my goal of increased weights, with the same repetitions.

I was certainly feeling the difference during the third set. I had a hard time on the last set of Crazy 8s, and I alternated my raised foot rather than standing on one or the other for each exercise.

As it turns out, I did just fine with a fasted workout session (no snack, remember?). Maybe that’s because of all the birthday cake I’ve been eating lately? Probably not. It’s something to remember for next time, though.

I came back at 10:30 PM for Ab Ripper. I honestly did not think I was going to do it, until I got in front of the TV and laid down on that mat. Just press play, right?

P90X2 Tip of the Day: If you miss a workout, and have the opportunity at a different time of the day, take it. You will be proud of yourself for making the extra effort.

P90X2 Day 52: Recovery and Mobility

I definitely needed some recovery time today. I slept late again, and hurried myself along, rather than getting up early.

During the mobility sequence of squats, lunges, etc. I find it is easiest to follow Cedric rather than Tony. Cedric’s timing is the most consistent.

I don’t have much new progress to report, except that I did not cramp up in the Vinyasa to Pigeon sequence. There have been a few times that my foot cramped up, which was a little too difficult to ignore. Also, I almost fell asleep in the “corpse” position at the end.

P90X2 Tip of the Day: For each exercise, choose one person on the DVD to follow, so you don’t get confused or throw off your rhythm.