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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 12


Big news… I tried the yoga routine, at last! Well, I had only skipped the first week, but it feels like more because of all the times I missed during P90X.

Once again, this is supposed to be a 35 to 40 minute workout. It includes many poses familiar to P90X graduates, along […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 11


Today was a resistance workout day. I started out a little tired. I got through circuit 1, did the repeat of that circuit, then did circuit 2. I skipped the repeat set on circuit 2, which shaved about 10 minutes off my time. Because of the shortened workout, it took about 45 minutes.

Nutrition […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 10


My aerobic workout was 35 minutes again, plus 20 minutes on the treadmill for a jog/walk while watching The Biggest Loser. I find that show always makes me go a little faster! The calorie burn was moderate for that amount of time. My form improved on the exercises, especially the Line Jump. “Hopping back […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 9


Today I remembered another one of Tony’s lines as I completed the resistance workout. “You just brought up the level!” I moved smoothly from one exercise to the other. My only breaks were the 30 seconds (more or less) between circuits, and the two times I changed the plates on my weights. I had […]

Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 8


It’s the beginning of week 2! Back to the aerobic workout. I decided to do the warmup and cooldown from the P90X Plyometrics DVD, instead of the one in the book. The stretches are similar, but I keep a better pace and form when I follow along with Tony and the gang. I do […]