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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 35


Today was Sunday, my workout rest/fun day. I chose to do no workout at all today. That might not have been the best decision…


Uh oh! My breakfast and mid-morning snack were high in combined calories because of the usual Sunday morning nosh. Lunch was a very reasonable salmon fillet with rice and broccoli. Unfortunately, after a protein bar snack in the afternoon, I miscalculated my remaining calories for dinner (in my head) and ate too much. My total for the day was almost +900 calories! Even on a normal recovery day, I think the recommended surplus is +500 calories. Well, I guess every once in a while, I surprise myself.

Health and well-being

As I said above, I took it easy today, both with exercise and calorie restriction (apparently). I don’t want to let go of good habits, but it’s fun once in a while.

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