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Tony Horton’s "Bring It!" Day 36


I started week 6 (wow!) with Aerobic workout level 2, plus 20 minutes on the treadmill. My total workout time was about an hour. A modification I made today was that I started using light weights for the pivot punches and Briggs Ram. That’s a trick I picked up from the Jillian Michaels videos. Tony also suggests this for a few of the P90X exercises. It makes them a little more challenging.


I mixed it up a little bit, with chicken and veggie soup for breakfast, leftover Chinese food for lunch, and chicken stir-fry for dinner. Snacks were reasonable, and my calories were -172 for the day. Much better than yesterday!

Health and well-being

I am still a little sore across my chest from Saturday’s resistance workout. I know I would have seen better results all along with P90X if I had been using a pull-up bar, but it’s not practical in my house. Maybe some once-a-week sessions with the bar would be a good compromise.

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