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P90X2 Day 22: X2 Core

I was a little nervous about how today’s workout was going to turn out. First, I did not get the best night’s sleep. It was OK, but not great. Then, I had to deal with a flaky heart rate monitor. I like to use the monitor to record my activity calories in Calorie Count, rather […]

P90X2 Day 21: Recovery and Mobility

Today was another rest day. I actually got a good night’s sleep, and a short nap!

I ate a little more than I might have wanted, but only by a couple hundred calories. Still not following the P90X2 nutrition plan, but my macronutrient averages for the past 20 days are: Fat 29%, Protein 23%, Carbohydrates […]

P90X2 Day 20: X2 Total Body and Ab Ripper

I can’t believe it’s the end of week 3 workouts! Today’s workout wasn’t any shorter (time-wise), but it did feel tough, and I was able to follow along better.

I did the 1-Arm Chest Press on the stability ball, with a heavier weight than the rest of the exercises. The benefit of using the stability […]

P90X2 Day 19: X2 Yoga

As I may have mentioned, one of my goals for P90X2 was to do more yoga. By that, I mean skip fewer sessions than I did with P90X, and do them for the entire time. The good news is that I did my yoga today. Unfortunately, I only did 48 minutes out of 67, because […]

P90X2 Day 18: Balance and Power

Today was not a good workout day. Looking back after I have completed my first round of P90X2, I hope I will be able to say this was my low point, where everything turned around and got better.

I got home unusually late last night, and slept from 2 AM – 8 AM. This is […]