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P90X2 Day 52: Recovery and Mobility

I definitely needed some recovery time today. I slept late again, and hurried myself along, rather than getting up early.

During the mobility sequence of squats, lunges, etc. I find it is easiest to follow Cedric rather than Tony. Cedric’s timing is the most consistent.

I don’t have much new progress to report, except that […]

P90X2 Day 49: Recovery and My Birthday!

Today is my birthday. I don’t think I am going to use a foam roller today, and I’m probably not doing much of anything else, really. Last night my family took me out a little early for a special dinner, and today’s calorie count is likely to be very high, too. Exercise and healthy eating […]

P90X2 Day 45: Recovery and Mobility

These days, I tell my wife I am doing “The Rumble Roller Infomercial” when I refer to this DVD. Of course, Tony Horton is sincere in his praise of the enhanced foam roller, so I won’t give him a hard time. He also admits later in the session that his jokes might get old after […]

P90X2 Day 42: Recovery and Recap

It’s Superbowl Sunday! That didn’t really affect my plans for recovery, or otherwise. I did feel an urge to indulge, even though there’s no TV party at my house, so I decided to make a mini ice cream sundae with a banana (about 300 calories), in addition to my usual Sunday morning treat (another 300 […]

P90X2 Day 38: Recovery and Mobility

I did the entire Recovery and Mobility session today. I am getting good at maneuvering the foam roller to get through each section at the same pace as the DVD. Of course, I know I can take as long as I want, use the pause button as Tony Horton says all the time, but I […]