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P90X2 Day 42: Recovery and Recap

It’s Superbowl Sunday! That didn’t really affect my plans for recovery, or otherwise. I did feel an urge to indulge, even though there’s no TV party at my house, so I decided to make a mini ice cream sundae with a banana (about 300 calories), in addition to my usual Sunday morning treat (another 300 […]

P90X2 Day 21: Recovery and Mobility

Today was another rest day. I actually got a good night’s sleep, and a short nap!

I ate a little more than I might have wanted, but only by a couple hundred calories. Still not following the P90X2 nutrition plan, but my macronutrient averages for the past 20 days are: Fat 29%, Protein 23%, Carbohydrates […]

P90X2 Day 7: Rest and Recovery

I dealt with some self-inflicted computer problems all day today. It was a good day for a rest, and that’s what I did. More P90X2 tomorrow, for sure!

Blog Reboot: P90X2 Is Here!

I recently completed another round of P90X, sort of a “Lean” variation with the Striver Level 2 workout from Bring It!, and I knew it was going to be about the same time as the estimated delivery date for P90X2. Then it arrived, on December 8, almost three weeks ago…

My family decided to surprise […]

Weekly Update April 4-10


Monday I did the usual (for the past few weeks) Striver’s Aerobic Level 2 and 15 minutes on the treadmill. It’s nice that some of these exercises work the core, too.Tuesday Chest and Back: I completed the entire workout and about two-thirds of Ab Ripper in my allocated 60 minutes. That’s progress, compared to […]